The proverb “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,” resonates with the ongoing mass migration of youth from Pakistan, since a large chunk of youth is continually streaming down to the greener side on an annual basis. This annual relocation is creating unfavourable conditions for Pakistan, since youth’s participation is of paramount significance in the progress of any country.
However, fortunate as we are, the alarming increase in immigration among youth is also countered by those young men and women who wish to serve Pakistan, thus giving back to the motherland. Our flag has marked for us a territory that defines who we are and gives us a sense of belonging.
How I Wish to Serve Pakistan?
When asked how they wish to serve Pakistan, the youth reflected their enthusiasm and desire to proffer the best of their abilities to the country.
Shaista Ismail, Student
Since my childhood, it has been my ambition to become a teacher so that I can serve my nation in the best possible way. The main hurdle in the way of development of Pakistan is the lack of proper and an equal education system for the poor. I am looking forward to starting charity schools so that poor ones are not neglected in the modern technological world. I can contribute to the development of my country by serving in the field of education, which is a necessity of every developing country.
Maha Hameed, Doctor
As a young doctor in Pakistan who recently started practicing, I want to make a difference by being a physician who heals patients, through Allah's mercy, not merely by prescription of medications and application of treatments but also by being a compassionate human being, by being the one who listens to their problems and advocates for them in every way.
Also, as a patriotic Pakistani, to ensure that my country continues to go forward in the right direction, I vow to be honest and humble but stand up against any injustices, corruption and or malpractices that I see or encounter regardless, of the consequences. Pakistan was made by resolute, brave and persistent people and it will continue to go forward by them.
Anjum Aqeel, Education Trainer
The best way to serve the country is to live in it and consistently work for its betterment. Being a true Pakistani, I will work for my own people in my own beloved country, instead of finding opportunities abroad. For this purpose, I recently joined an institute, which is working for the betterment of education by facilitating children in poverty-stricken areas and I wish to continue creating opportunities in every way possible.Maria Khalid, Journalist
Like Adlai Stevenson said: “Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” I urge everyone to understand that we have a legal, social and moral responsibility towards our country. Pakistan has not only given us a separate identity but also freedom. Our country is our abode and we should work in our individual capacities to contribute to its development in a meaningful way. I am the future of Pakistan and I believe that we need to promote a stronger dialogue that promotes peace and stability. If everyone contributes positively today, we can help build a better tomorrow.
Ambreen Shafique, Student
I wish to serve Pakistan by adopting the noble profession of teaching because as Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” I want to be a teacher because I believe we can change the thoughts of people through education because this is an adequate, effective, and the best way to change the world. If we change the mindset of people, we can change anything in this world.Hareem Qamar, Digital Content Writer
To think you do not owe to your country, which gave you your ethnicity, your culture, your identity and protection, is a great negligence at the very least. I am passionately determined to become an educationist alongside and an activist who can contribute to bring awareness in children. In addition to this, Pakistan needs people who actively work and build the economy, thereby increasing my responsibility to build a career and even create more working opportunities for other people.Qurat-ul-Ain, Lecturer, Women University Swabi
As a teacher, I realize my sacred responsibility is to transform my students into resolute and open-minded empathetic professionals and leaders who can contribute to the society. I want to play my role in the education system of the country, to make the upcoming youth not only degree-holders but responsible citizens, having moral and ethical values.Momina Hafeez, Lecturer, NUML
I wish to serve my country by working honestly, and by providing quality education and guidance to my students. Owning our country and feeling indebted to it is essential for us to be loyal to our country. I hope to impart a deep-rooted sense of responsibility in my students towards their country and inculcate in them a hope to positively contribute to the development in their own capacities. Being a teacher, I aspire to be a role model for the young minds that I get to teach, and I hope every day to learn new ways of learning and growing from them.
Sana Khan, JournalistAs citizens of the country, it is the responsibility of each one of us to do right by it. I consider myself as not only a representative of my country but also one of its countless extensions. To aptly frame it in the words of Peter Marshall, “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” In my own space, I try to ensure that Pakistan is recognized for all the opportunities and the security it gives to its people to pursue their dream freely.
While some young people are taking the easier way out by seeking opportunities abroad, they do not realize how our country’s economy is being negatively impacted by this mass immigration. As a society, we need to invest more in ensuring that the youth’s critical and analytical faculties are utilized in the most effective ways and they are facilitated to materialize their dreams. The passion among youth from diverse educational and occupational background revives our faith in Pakistan’s brighter future as do the words of these young women.