We have developed this page to provide you with the latest advertisement regarding Pak Navy Jobs as we are eager to join the Navy, however we do not receive the advertisement on time to prepare for Pak Navy Jobs.
It seems you have reached the right spot now where we have added Pak Navy new jobs, the complete guide to Pak Navy join and selection procedure, eligibility criteria in detail, facilities, benefits for officers, and how to join Pak Navy?
There are numerous Pakistan Navy Jobs as part of the Federal Government, where there are frequently postings for available positions in fields like Sailors, Technical, Medical, Mechanical, Navy Officers, as well as many other facets of government services.
Available Job Positions:
- Sanitary Worker
- Junior Instructor
- Sub Inspector
- Data Entry Operator
- Junior Scientific Assistant
- Draftsman III
- Civil Apprenticeships
- Stenotypist
- Store-man
- Lady Health Visitor
- Receptionist
- Midwife
- Sport Coach Shooting
- Assistant Store Keeper
- Librarian
- Lab Assistant
- Telephone Operator
- Assistant Examiner Store
- Sanitary Inspector
- Urdu Typist
- Boxing Instructor
- Lady Receptionist
- Senior Time Keeper
- Engine Driver II
- Assistant Examiner Ammunition